A poor farmer living in a remote village seeks to appease Goddess Kali by beheading his goat's head as per ritualistic practices. As the farmer approaches the goat, its mother, naturally concerned, tries to stop him from taking it away.

The farmer ties the mother to a pole and takes her baby goat away for sacrifice. On the way, while resting under a tree, the farmer has a dream in which the goat ties him and his wife up and approaches menacingly, knife in hand, to sacrifice his child. The farmer wakes up to the rude shock and is relieved to see his wife and son sleeping peacefully. Learning that this was only a dream, he heaves a sigh of relief.

Realization dawns upon him and he now empathizes with the goat and its baby. He understands that the goat would be as concerned about her baby as he is about his child and decides against sacrificing the baby goat. Enlightened by the dream and filled with compassion, the farmer goes home and reunites the baby goat with her mother as they comfort and caress each other in joy.